We saw Dr. K today and Burke is doing awesome! He is a BIG boy though! He is weighing in at 5 pounds 3 ounces! I am 32 weeks and technically he shouldn't be this big until 35 weeks. Dr. K said, "we are going to get you to 36-37 weeks and get him out"! I cannot lie, I was a little surprised with this news as I had always assumed he would be small. Greg said, my eyes had a look of total shock when he said he was significantly bigger. You see, we just took our birthing class this weekend and I heard all the horror stories of having a big baby. I, of course, told myself that none of these situations apply to me because Burke is going to be small. Haha! This week has been one enlightening moment after another! So, we see Dr. K on January 6 and it looks like a BIG decision will be made at that appointment. I had assumed I would have Burke around the 26th of January, now it looks more like the 11th!!! OMGOSH...I'm so excited!
We did not get any pictures of Burke this visit. We saw him on the screen in 3D, but Dr. K was busy getting a lot of measurements. Which by the way, I found out Burke's placenta is an anterior placenta. Which doesn't mean much regarding Burke, but it does explain why it took so long for me to feel my little guy move and kick. Basically his placenta is guarding my belly so he has to kick hard for me to really feel him. It was a full day and I feel so good to know Burke is big rather than small. Even if I was rather shocked!
At our Birthing Class we had a local celebrity in it, click here for more info! The class was very informative, but like I said much of the time I was like "oh my"!
I am very tired today, but I wanted to tell you all about my visit to see Dr. K. I am so happy that Burke is doing well! I can't wait to meet him and see his face in real life!
Ahhhhhh!!!! January 11!!! I am so excited. Whoo Hooo!
Okay, the people magazine inside of me is so curious? Who was your "celebrity" in the class? The link didn't work! Burke's going to be here SO SOON OMG!
You look so GREAT! & WOOOHOOO for a fabulous doctor's report. Oh my girl~sounds like you have a whopper on your hands! ;o)That is wonderful news though. Healthy~that is how we like him, right? He will just be a little roley poley when he is born! Oh to go back to the days when cellulite & fat rolls were considered cute, right?!?!? Thanks for your comment on my blog. We are super excited about going home. Wish that you could be with your family too, but you & I both know that you have growing inside of you the best & most precious gift ever & that very soon you will be holding him in your arms hopefully surrounded by many friends & family! It won't be long now!!!! & when that time comes every single sacrifice you have made to get him here safe & sound will be so worth it & will so be a far away distant memory! Oh, this is getting so excited. With him getting bigger & bigger we might get to see his sweet little face sooner than later. Hope Mom & Dad are getting the last of everything ready!
Alicia and Greg--
Matt and I are so incredibly happy for you two. We didn't wait as long as you did for our baby, but we waited long enough! Anyway, we are praying for you guys and really hope that the delivery is awesome. We can't wait to see him.
Hilary and Matt
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