Tuesday, March 31, 2009

10 weeks tomorrow!

Burke's Hippo Chair

Aunt Jinny and Burke

9 Weeks!

Momma and Burkie in the Blue Bonnets

As you can see this whole blogging thing is last on my priority list. I'm sorry to my loyal readers. Burke is just keeping me busy and to be honest I don't spend much time not holding Burke. I'm not good at typing and holding!

Burke's Aunt Jinny came to see him last week. Jinny and Greg have been friends since grade school and her and I have been friends since high school when I met Greg. Jinny lives in Denver and came to see us for four days! We were thrilled to have her and for her to meet our son.

The week before Jinny arrived Burke had his two month check up! As we suspected our little peanut is still quite small. He was in the 25% for weight and height! He weighed 10 pounds 12 ounces and was 22 inches long! We also found out Burke has torticollis. Torticollis is a big word, for a kink in the neck that started in my uterus. I am a short person and it is believed he didn't have much room in my uterus to move his head around. I started noticing Burke always turned to the left. So, we have started Physical Therapy. We also will see a few more doctors. It was awesome to have Jinny here because she is a Pediatrician doing her fellowship to be a Neonatologist. So, she came with us to PT and did a thorough examination on Burkie. She also had a heart to heart with me and reassured me it was nothing I did wrong. I have raked myself over the coals about this. Burke and I do lots of stretching through out the day and LOTS of tummy time! At first Burke didn't like tummy time but he is doing better.

While Jinny was here Burke decided he didn't really want to sleep at night. He fought his binki all night. If it fell out he would wake up screaming. He wouldn't go to bed until after midnight and wake up around 5:00. I was so tired. Burke wasn't because he would just sleep all day! So, on Saturday Greg said he wanted to put Burke to bed his way. Normally we do bath, then bottle, burp, and then he lays/sleeps on my chest until I am ready to go to bed. Greg put a stop to that. We started bath, bottle, burp, and then straight to bed. This routine made me sad, but I wasn't sad one bit when I slept from 10 p.m. until 5:30 a.m.!!! We catch up on cuddle time through out the day though! Tonight will be four nights and hopefully daddy's system continues to work!

Burke is almost giggling! In fact I think he does just real softly! It is precious to hear him coo! So sweet!

I know I have said this before but Burke loves bath time. He now likes to float (I support his head and tushy)he just lays back and enjoys himself thoroughly. So cute!

Tomorrow my friend Lori will be here to meet Burke! We are looking forward to seeing her! Burke is quite a popular guy!

I hope this all finds you doing well!


Alicia and Burke

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Burke is smiling!

I do not know how people keep up with their blogs. This blogging is getting harder by the week. I have this cute little boy who takes up my time and I don't like to do anything other than tend to him! Actually sometimes I enjoy getting on the computer but I find myself looking for baby clothes, burp clothes, pacifier clips, etc!

Burke is smiling!! Talk about melting my heart! It is an adorable smile and the pictures don't do it justice! He usually smiles after his bottle and when he is getting his diaper changed in our bedroom. He is so stinking cute!

Burke is now sleeping in his crib! No longer is he in his bassinet! This is HUGE for me as his bedroom is upstairs and ours is downstairs. Thank God for baby monitors. And for the fact that I am not a deep sleeper. I hear him more now that he is upstairs than I ever did right next to our room. He wakes up about once a night around 3:00 or so and then around 6:00. He is quite dependant upon his paci though and when it falls out he is not so happy!

And I had to include this picture. As I told you, Burke doesn't like blankets. He wants his "piggie's free", as my friend Wendy said. This afgan that his Great Aunt Barbara made him is just perfect for keeping his piggies free!

I have Poker tonight at my house so I must go, to get groceries bought and the house cleaned! Enjoy the pictures of my little sweety!



Monday, March 2, 2009

Mugshot Monday

Burke is 5 weeks already! He has been keeping me very busy, but I am enjoying every minute! The gas got worse last week and it broke my heart. I called our Pediatrician here and they suggested Mylicon and then Gripe Water. Neither worked. So on Saturday Mommy had it and made a call to our own private Pediatrician. Greg and I have a dear friend, Jinny, who is a big shot doctor, a Pediatrician, who is becoming a Neonatologist. She is simply amazing and has done so much! So Saturday I called Jinny and said "help". We made the decision to switch Burke's formula to a gentler one on his tummy. She told us it may not do a thing, but that it was worth a try. Although, I caution to say it is helping...we do think it is. Thank you Jinny!! We can't wait to see you this month!

Burke kind of has his nights and days mixed up again. We are not sure how this has happened, probably the gas. As the nights seem worse on his tummy. Hopefully we will get back on track.

Greg did his feedings on Saturday night and I slept horrible. I missed my little guy. So I think I will be doing his feedings for the most part. Greg is great help and does a great job with Burke, but I missed seeing Burke and couldn't wait for my feeding at 5:00. Crazy huh?!

We still don't take Burke out much. We took him to Chuy's last week and all the staff loved him! We ate at Chuy's the night I found out I was pregnant so it is a special place for us!

Burke is starting to have facial expressions when we talk to him. He is almost smiling! He had his first bath tub bath in his sling and he likes it. He is still a little fussy, but I know I am not a happy camper when my stomach hurts. Enjoy the pictures! Isn't he adorable?!