I hope this finds everyone having a wonderful 2008! January is flying by so I thought I would update you on the happenings in our household.
Our adoption continues to drag along and I must admit we are looking at other options. It has been a heartbreaking process and I am afraid I don't have what it takes to keep holding out. We are being told our wait could reach 2011 before we bring our daughter home. For those of you out there who have wanted a child you know that 2011 seems like FOREVER!!! I am struggling big time and I ask that you pray for me. Greg is busy with work so he has to put his thoughts into other things. As for me, well all I think about is "I still don't have a child". I will continue to keep you in the loop...just know right now it is a touchy subject.
Over MLK weekend, my sister and her girls, and I made a quick road trip to Missouri to surprise my mom for her 57th Birthday! I think she was surprised and thrilled to see us! My nieces did wonderful on the 11 hour car trip! They are awesome travelers! They make their Auntie so proud!
Our dear friends Carrie and Brian returned January 3rd from China with their precious Gracie! She is adorable and is just amazing! We spent this past Saturday evening with them. It was so wonderful to see them as a family of three!
I am still doing my Bikram Yoga and I am still loving it! I am improving on my practice every week. It is the most challenging exercise I have ever done. People think Yoga is a bunch of meditation, with candles and soft music...well not Bikram! Greg has promised that he will go one time with me when I reach my goal weight. I hope I reach it by May! I am still holding at 55 pounds. I guess I have hit a plateau and need to turn it up a bit. Hopefully next time I write I will be at 60 pounds!!
We are going to my sister's house next weekend for the Superbowl. We have really enjoyed living closer to them. I love that my nieces know who their Auntie is. Lilly will be two in Feb. and she calls Auntie "TT". We assume she can't say Auntie. Too cute! Lilly also loves Riley. I think he is her best friend. She loves to sit in his kennel with him with the door shut. I know it sounds crazy but if you can't find Lilly, well you know she is in the kennel! It irritates my clean freak sister so much! She really enjoys getting in it when she is all clean! Children are so fun!
I hope this finds you all doing well. Thanks for checking in on us. Take care.