October is flying by so I thought I would let you all know I am doing much better this month. Our paperwork is officially being reviewed this month by the CCAA. This basically means we will be one step closer to holding our baby girl. The wait is still super long, but getting through this will be a huge relief! This is the time China could disqualify us because of my Rheumatoid Arthritis. So, please pray this does not happen. I have a wonderful letter from my Rheumatologist so I don't think this will happen, but lets be honest it is a foreign country and they can do whatever they like.
I am happy to report that I have lost 45 pounds! Yeah for me! I have enjoyed trying new things and have really taken a liking to Yoga. I have a friend, Dinah, who is certified, so she comes over twice a week for my own personal session. My RA is doing so much better with my healthier living too. It is quite amazing! I have a lot more to lose, but slowly but surely I know I will get there.
I am flying to my parents tomorrow and will be there until Sunday! I have the best hubby for letting me do this. He has been working like crazy and yet he still is letting me fly home for a little time with my parents. Thank you Gregie! You are the best!
I hope this finds you all having a great Fall. It is pretty warm here still. I am so looking forward to the cooler weather of Missouri and the fall leaves!